Ryuichi Sasaki
Ryuichi Sasaki

Ryuichi Sasaki


Based in Tokyo, Japan, Ryuichi Sasaki Architecture is an architectural design firm that has gained notoriety in recent years as one of the most internationally acclaimed firms of its kind in the world. Led by renowned architect, Ryuichi Sasaki, the firm harnesses the experiences of its professionals to design and consult on building types ranging from cultural facilities to commercial facilities, including music halls, apartment complexes, hotels, stores, bars, and housing structures. The firm focuses on the ‘zeitgeist’ of every space that its interventions develop, and leverages continuous reinterpretation and repositioning to achieve excellence in its work. In 2021, Deezen selected Ryuichi Sasaki Architecture as one of its 21 best architecture studios of the year. The firm is also a five-time WAF Awards finalist, and was named winner of a Plan Award (Italy) in the Office & Business category. The firm was also anointed Best of Best winner at the Architecture Master Prize Awards in the United States, marking the first time in history that a Japanese architectural design firm has earned the distinction. Access Ryuichi Sasaki Newsroom

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